Working Papers CSE Anno 2022
La leadership dell’Unione Europea nella politica climatica internazionale
Pietro Pasculli
The negative effects of climate change and global warming may have, through direct and indirect effects, a profound impact on human and state security, often accelerating or exacerbating ongoing or latent vulnerabilities and instability. In this context, the European Union maintains a growing ambition both in addressing the security challenges resulting from climate change and in influencing the international environment, implemented over the last decade, an impressive collection of policy initiatives. The goal of the EU's climate neutrality promoted by the European Green Deal (EGD) is not only an effort to transform the European economy but is to be regarded in all respects as a new foreign policy instrument that will also have consequences for relations between the EU and its partners. To meet these challenges, the EU should therefore strengthen its position of normative power by promoting cooperation on security and environmental issues in several areas.
Leadership Unione Europea; Potere normativo e diplomatico.
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