Working Papers CSE Anno 2022
I Verdi tedeschi fra Germania ed Europa: evoluzione e nuove sfide
Edoardo Toniolatti
This paper aims at highlighting the main steps in the growing process of the German Green party. Originally a heterogeneous mixture of different social and political movements, bound by core values such as environmentalism, a strong anti-nuclear ideology and pacifism, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen emerged as the most successful novelty in the German political landscape of the last 40 years. The first part briefly reconstructs how the leadership of Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck managed in recent years to pacify the tensions between the two main factions within the par-ty, the moderate Realos and the more left-leaning Fundis, and how the two co-leaders successfully changed the perception of the Greens in the German public debate, turning what was a constantly tension-ridden movement into a cohesive political formation ready to take on national government responsibilities. The second part explores the main problems posed by this new stage in the life of the Greens, focusing on three main levels: the resurgence of tensions within the party, potential struggles with the coalition partners on the government agenda, and finally the difficult challenges awaiting on the European and international level.
German Politics; Green Party; German Foreign Policy
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